Ikan Pekasam
Defination: While seafood dominates the coastline, “lakefood” is what really cajoles connoisseurs of freshwater harvest into flocking to the land-locked town. Swamps, ponds and rivers overflows from the surrounding Raban, Chenderoh and Temenggor lakes are teeming with fish of every variety – tegalan, jelawat, patin, kelah, lampam jawa, sebarau, seluang and kaloi. But the most famous one would definitely be Ikan Pekasam. Marinated in toasted rice and salt, the fish is left to ferment for two weeks in a closed urn. The process softens the fish’s scales and bones and gives the traditional delicacy its distinct sharp tangy taste. Pekasam is usually eaten fried and goes very well with plain rice. The main wet market is the perfect place to buy some of it.
so siapa berminat utk membeli ikan pekasam??? boleh lah hubungi saya di blog ini, di email saya wateringcan_09@yahoo.com dan di talian 0192186070, saya ada menjual ikan pekasam keli, puyu, haruan, toman, sepat,tenggalan, lampam dan luma. harga jualan adalah rm 5-8 ringgit sahaja. :)
Defination: While seafood dominates the coastline, “lakefood” is what really cajoles connoisseurs of freshwater harvest into flocking to the land-locked town. Swamps, ponds and rivers overflows from the surrounding Raban, Chenderoh and Temenggor lakes are teeming with fish of every variety – tegalan, jelawat, patin, kelah, lampam jawa, sebarau, seluang and kaloi. But the most famous one would definitely be Ikan Pekasam. Marinated in toasted rice and salt, the fish is left to ferment for two weeks in a closed urn. The process softens the fish’s scales and bones and gives the traditional delicacy its distinct sharp tangy taste. Pekasam is usually eaten fried and goes very well with plain rice. The main wet market is the perfect place to buy some of it.
so siapa berminat utk membeli ikan pekasam??? boleh lah hubungi saya di blog ini, di email saya wateringcan_09@yahoo.com dan di talian 0192186070, saya ada menjual ikan pekasam keli, puyu, haruan, toman, sepat,tenggalan, lampam dan luma. harga jualan adalah rm 5-8 ringgit sahaja. :)